Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I’m probably too excited about hitting 300k views on this blog than I should be. I have a couple things to say really quickly here:

First I want (and need) to give a huge shout out to Chris Cummings and Evan Hatton for doing a fantastic job. I can’t thank these guys enough for helping me out with the blog this year. I honestly do not have the time to keep up with everything this season and they’ve allowed me to blog on occasion and keep up with the sport I love so much, while also not being stressed out by the need for constant posting and getting information to all of you guys. They’ve exceeded my expectations and more as writings and analysts and I’m so proud and humbled to work alongside of them. This blog probably wouldn’t still be running if they weren’t here to help. Make sure to thank them for their efforts so far and what will look to be a continually great job in the future.

Next I wanted to discuss Penntrack a little bit. I talked with Lex on the phone for ~20 minutes today and we discussed a variety of topics. Lex is doing his best to get me my account back, and I will no longer be promoting the blog on their site anymore, which is fine by me. I do want to address a major concern that he had here: defaming comments about him and Don on the blog. I usually censor the comments against him and Don, and I will be doing so in the future if they are derogatory. It is fine to criticize or disagree with someone on their work, but be constructive. There is a difference, and I did a poor job in terms of addressing those types of comments on the blog. I don’t like censoring anything on the blog, as you guys know, but I do believe it’s important to be aware of how we speak and address one another. As Lex said to me today, Penntrack’s writers are doing the same thing Chris, Evan, and I are doing: their best. We have a different approach to how the sport is looked at and viewed, and this blog is for analysis. Penntrack is beginning to embrace that, and they are learning how to develop and write about stories in a manner than Etrain and I have been lucky enough to work on the several years now in order to acquire a style that works for us. 

Thanks so much for all of your continued viewership. Remember to give us suggestions on how to improve and we will do our best to work on it. I wish I had the time to do more commendation that Etrain has been doing, but my 6 classes, practice, and two other jobs are making it difficult to have the type of time.


P.S. I gotta give a shout out to my CRN boys who just had a big dual meet victory over Bensalem with 6 guys under 17:20 on their home course. For some perspective I never broke 17:30 on that course and ran 16:44 at Districts.


  1. WCH vs. Avon Grove vs. Coatesville tri-meet today. We'll finally get to see who is better, Henderson or Coatesville. Should be a good race. Post results if anyone has them

    1. Knapp WCH-16:13
      Smith AG-16:16
      Barchet WCH-16:26
      Swart WCH-16:27
      Ilgenfritz AG-16:34
      Ettien Coatesvile-16:35
      Smucker WCH-16:49
      Jacobs AG – 17:01
      McSwain WCH-17:04
      Ruprecht Coatesville-17:05

      WCH 22, AG 34
      WCH 14, Coatesville 40
      AG 24, Coatesville 32

    2. The reports of WCH demise are greatly exaggerated.

    3. Henderson just beat Downingtown West tonight in a dual meet 26 - 30

  2. Congrats on 300k, you have built a nice empire over here!

  3. New results just came out from a Tri-Meet between North Penn, CB West, and CB South. Matthew Scarpill takes home a victory by quite a bit with a time of 16:01 to better Brian Mass and Rock Fortna who tied for second in 16:16. Scarpill was the top freshman out of District 1 last season, and he's making some big leaps this year. This is big for him to beat Fortna who started his season well. Mass is up with Fortna now and they had a 34 second spread, which is great to see. Michael Cooney had a big race for NP not too long ago, but as of the results right now he ran 17:17 for 14th place. I'm not sure why Ryan Tung did not race again either. Hopefully he is still doing well.

    1. Sorry that should say a 24 second spread for CB West!

    2. Drew Alansky and Ryan Barton were ahead of Scarpill as freshmen, but that's a huge race to take the win over fortna and mass.

  4. Do his best to get your account back? Give us a break, nobody is buying his crud, one simple click gets your account back. He's pulling your chain and obviously loathes you and Etrain. Banning you and Etrain seems inconsistent as others post links to their own interests and have not been banned.

    1. ^ Exactly. What are they giving you a probationary period to see if you behave in a manner suitable to them? You, a paying member. They're playing you, man.
      Sorry, I despise those guys. They act like they invented running. And I apologize in advance if this falls into that defamatory category-I hope you don't start sanitizing your website they way they do over there.
      Honestly Forrest, your update about them actually makes me more angry and I will not give them any more page clicks-in fact I think I will email them to see about cancelling my subscription. Seriously, who do they think they are?

    2. For anyone looking for results without going through those guys this weekend, Mahoney Timing has the Council Rock Invite and Chester County Running Store has the Carlisle Invite, just go straight to the source, their websites are easy to find. His little power play is enough to turn people away.

    3. ^clicking my imaginary "Like" button

    4. If someone could post a link on here to those sources after the results are up, that would be great.

  5. The only thing Penntrack is embracing is the concept of keeping their enemies closer(You being the enemy). I agree^, they are playing their benefit.
    I don't like that they seek to be the only credible source of high school running in the state. Since they are so obviously threatened by a different perspective, they do what they have to do to shut you down or silence you. Jeez, entire governmental overthrows happened that way too.
    They don't hold as much power as they want you to believe-they're scared of you and Eman. If you're going to embrace anything, let it be your own power and influence. Screw them, they should come to you, not the other way around.

    1. Jim Dillner here, Forrest. I, for one, am glad to see you off of Penntrack. That site is for running purists like me. Leave all this analyses and stuff to us big boys.

    2. ^ Analysis is misspelled, it's probably really him!

  6. Imagine scouring that agreement to find a technicality to ban someone? They probably checked with attorneys at corporate too. Ridiculous.

    1. There are other wholesome activities out there, but for this crowd it's running. Fortunately there is this forum, for those passionate about not just the running, but the ancillary benefits of the running life....the self-discipline needed for one to reach his best, the dedication needed to stay focused on something worthwhile. It carries over into the rest of life. If you work hard every day to get in shape to PR in a 5K, tackling a quarterly exam isn’t that tough. Meeting personal responsibilities becomes a source of pride, not a chore.

      The efforts of Etrain and PA Don't Play and their readers are genuine. These guys aren’t getting paid, they're in it for the love of running, competing, the rewards of hard work, friendships, respect for opposition, respect for teammates giving it their all no matter what their ability. They’ve essentially volunteered to do what undoubtedly must feel like work sometimes; scouring results, looking for good performances, giving recognition when earn, going out of their way not to criticize. There’s an incredible dedication to putting out a quality product, just like in running. And they deliver. PA Don’t Plan and Etrain keep their blogs going because of their passion for the sport and all that comes with it.

      That is worthy of embracing.

    2. Um, pretty sure "corporate" is Don's basement.

  7. I think we should have a fundraising drive to buy advertising space on PennTrack for this blog. That would be awesome.

